Karen Kevany

Psychotherapist / Counsellor


I appreciate the courage it takes to start the therapy process. I take great care in creating a space of safety and trust for my clients, encouraging a therapeutic relationship to naturally develop. Listening carefully, I familiarise with my clients and navigate sessions at their pace, allowing my clients to feel at ease opening up and sharing their experiences, emotions and thoughts. Trust, compassion, dignity, respect, and non-judgment are the cornerstones of my counselling approach.

Building a strong and caring therapeutic alliance is where the journey starts. My main approach is Person Centred which is based on the belief and philosophy that each of us is our own expert and it is we alone who have the capacity to explore our own issues, feelings, beliefs, behaviour and general worldview. The priority is what is important to you the expert, your ability to use self-direction and make any changes you desire.

As I get to know my clients, I will use techniques drawn from a number of evidence-based approaches including psychodynamic, attachment therapy, CBT, acceptance and commitment therapy, somatic therapy, humanistic therapy and narrative therapy.

Working together with my clients involves collaborating to better understand and resolve challenges in their lives. Through curiosity and compassion, I believe we can process emotions, and uncover unhelpful behaviours or thinking patterns that are getting in the way. When we become aware of these patterns, we can determine what changes can be made in order to achieve better outcomes for ourselves. I listen closely, ask questions, and provide perspective. With this approach, I have witnessed people develop new insights, discover strengths, identify helpful strategies, and implement them into constructive and lasting change”.


Abuse, Anger Management, Anxiety, Addiction, Bereavement, Cancer, Depression, Disability, Dissociation, Eating disorders, General counselling, Grief, Health related issues, Obsessions, OCD, Post-traumatic stress, Relationships, Self Esteem, Self Harm, Sexuality, Stress, Trauma, Womens Issues, Mens Issues, Work related issues, Career Interests